contact: jcristobal2[at]huskers[dot]unl[dot]edu


My curriculum vitae is here.

If you're looking for the mathematics research writings, those are all in the Research tab above. This page is dedicated to my writing projects that I do outside of my research. These are meant to be an outlet to let my thoughts out in a productive manner.

Monthly Math-y

The title of this project is in the works, but I like the sound of it right now. In this series of essays, I attempt to explain math ideas in a way that make it understandable for non-math folks. My goal is to help people who want to know what I'm doing in life but do not have the years needed to comprehend the advanced math needed. I hope that it's readable for anyone who is willing to learn. As of right now and due to my schedule and life events, this project is on hiatus. I hope to come back to it when I have the time! But enjoy this complete year collection.
The * signifies adding the essay for that month at a later date.

  1. January 2021 - Induction
  2. February 2021 - Topological Data Analysis
  3. March 2021 - Prime Madness
  4. April 2021 - Making a Differential (A tribute to my Father)
  5. May 2021* - Finding Roots
  6. June 2021* - Interpolation
  7. July 2021* - Hawking Theory?
  8. August 2021 - Re: Math is Hard
  9. September 2021* - Johan's Research
  10. October 2021 - Lost in the Fun(ctions)
  11. November 2021 - Unpack Teaching
  12. December 2021 - Teaching Philosophy Evolves

Other Writings

I do have passions outside of math, and I tend to talk a lot. Topics that I feel strongly about, enough to write an essay for it.

  1. Success , an essay written for my students and peers. An exploration of how we can be more success in our classes (and life).